Türkiye'de Birleşik Devletler Eğitim Komisyonu

1 U.S.T. 603



TIAS 2111

1 U.S.T. 603

December 27, 1949, Date-Signed

March 21, 1950, Date-In-Force

[*1] Agreement and exchanges of notes signed at Ankara December 27, 1949; entered into force March 21, 1950.

AGREEMENT between The Government of the United States of America and The Government of the Republic of Turkey for the use of funds made available in accordance with the Agreement signed in Cairo on February 27, 1946 by and between The Government of the United States of America and The Government of the Republic of Turkey

Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Hukumeti ile Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Hukumeti arasinda 27 Subat 1946 tarihinde Kahire'de imza edilen Anlasma geregince temin edilen paralarin kullanilmasina dair Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Hukumeti ile Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Hukumeti arasinda ANLASMA


The Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Turkey;

Desiring to promote further mutual understanding between the peoples of the United States of America and the Republic of Turkey by a wider exchange of knowledge and professional talents through educational contacts;

Considering that Section 32(b) of the United States Surplus Property Act of 1944, as amended by Public Law No. 584, 79th Congress, provides that the Secretary of State of the United States of America [*2] may enter into an agreement with any foreign government for the use of currencies or credits for currencies of such foreign government acquired as a result of surplus property disposals for certain educational activities; and

Considering that under the provisions of Section 1 of the Agreement signed at Cairo on February 27, 1946 n1 by and between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Turkey (hereinafter designated "the Credit Agreement") it is provided that the United States may at any time, or from time to time, in any year, call for the payment in Turkish liras at the official rate of exchange of any amount or amounts up to one-half (1/2) of the then outstanding amount due under the credit granted by the terms of the Credit Agreement including the interest calculated to the date of payment; and that the amounts of Turkish liras so called for will be deposited in a special account in the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, and may be used, among other uses, for cultural, educational, and humanitarian purposes,

-- Footnotes --

n1 Not printed.

-- End Footnotes --[*3]

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1

There shall be established a commission to be known as the United States Educational Commission in Turkey (hereinafter designated "the Commission") which shall be recognized by the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Turkey as an organization created and established to facilitate the administration of the educational program to be financed by funds made available by the Government of the Republic of Turkey under the terms of this agreement. Except as provided in Article 3 hereof the Commission shall be exempt from the domestic and local laws of the United States of America as they relate to the use and expenditure of currencies and credits for currencies for the purposes set forth in the present agreement. The funds shall be regarded in the Republic of Turkey as the property of a foreign government. The funds made available under the present agreement by the Government of the Republic of Turkey, within the conditions and limitations hereinafter set forth, shall be placed at the disposal of the Commission or such other instrumentality as may be agreed upon by the Government of the United States of America [*4] and the Government of the Republic of Turkey for the purpose, as set forth in Section 32 (b) of the United States Surplus Property Act of 1944, as amended, of

(1) financing studies, research, instruction, and other educational activities of or for citizens of the United States of America in schools and institutions of higher learning located in Turkey or of the citizens of Turkey in United States schools and institutions of higher learning located outside the continental United States, Hawaii, Alaska (including the Aleutian Islands), Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, including payment for transportation, tuition, maintenance, and other expenses incident to scholastic activities, or
(2) furnishing transportation for citizens of Turkey who desire to attend United States schools and institutions of higher learning in the continental United States, Hawaii, Alaska (including the Aleutian Islands), Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands and whose attendance will not deprive citizens of the United States of America of an opportunity to attend such schools and institutions.

Article 2

In furtherance of the aforementioned purposes, the Commission may, subject to the provisions of Article [*5] 10 of the present agreement, exercise all powers necessary to the carrying out of the purpose of the present agreement, including the following:

(1) Authorize the Treasurer of the Commission or such other person as the Commission may designate to receive funds to be deposited in bank accounts in the name of the Treasurer of the Commission or such other person as may be designated. The appointment of the Treasurer or such designee shall be approved by the Secretary of State of the United States of America and he shall deposit funds received in a depository or depositories designated by the Secretary of State of the United States of America.
(2) Subject to the conditions and limitations set forth herein, authorize the Treasurer of the Commission or such other person as the Commission may designate to disburse funds and to make grants and advances of funds for the authorized purposes of the present agreement.
(3) Plan, adopt, and carry out programs, in accordance with the purposes of Section 32 (b) of the United States Surplus Property Act of 1944, as amended, and the purposes of the present agreement.
(4) Recommend to the Board of Foreign Scholarships, provided for in the [*6] United States Surplus Property Act of 1944, as amended, students, professors, research scholars, resident in Turkey, and institutions of Turkey qualified to participate in the program in accordance with the aforesaid Act.
(5) Recommend to the aforesaid Board of Foreign Scholarships such qualifications for the selection of participants in the programs as it may deem necessary for achieving the purpose and objectives of the Commission.
(6) Provide for periodic audits of the accounts of the Treasurer of the Commission as directed by auditors selected by the Secretary of State of the United States of America.
(7) Engage administrative and clerical staff and fix and authorize the payment of the salaries and wages thereof.

Article 3

All expenditures authorized by the Commission shall be made pursuant to an annual budget to be approved by the Secretary of State of the United States of America pursuant to such regulations as he may prescribe.

Article 4

The Treasurer of the Commission shall not enter into any commitments or create any obligation which shall bind the Commission in excess of the funds actually on hand, nor acquire, hold, or dispose of property except for the purposes [*7] authorized in the present agreement.

Article 5

The Commission shall consist of eight members, four of whom shall be citizens of the United States of America and four of whom shall be citizens of Turkey. In addition, the principal officer in charge of the Diplomatic Mission of the United States of America to Turkey (hereinafter designated "Chief of Mission") shall be Honorary Chairman of the Commission. He shall cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie vote by the Commission and shall appoint the Chairman of the Commission. The Chairman as a regular member of the Commission shall have the right to vote. The Chief of Mission shall have the power to appoint and remove the citizens of the United States of America on the Commission, at least two of whom shall be officers of the United States Foreign Service establishment in Turkey. The Government of Turkey shall have the power to appoint and remove the citizens of Turkey on the Commission.

The members shall serve from the time of their appointment until the following December 31 and shall be eligible for reappointment. Vacancies by reason of resignation, transfer of residence outside Turkey, expiration of service or otherwise, shall [*8] be filled in accordance with the appointment procedure set forth in this article.

The members shall serve without compensation but the Commission is authorized to pay the necessary expenses of the members in attending the meetings of the Commission.

Article 6

The Commission shall adopt such by-laws and appoint such committees as it shall deem necessary for the conduct of the affairs of the Commission.

Article 7

Reports as directed by the Secretary of State of the United States of America shall be made annually on the activities of the Commission to the Secretary of State of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Turkey.

Article 8

The principal office of the Commission shall be in the capital city of the Republic of Turkey, but meetings of the Commission and any of its committees may be held in such other places as the Commission may from time to time determine, and the activities of any of the Commission's officers or staff may be carried on at such places as may be approved by the Commission.

Article 9

The Commission may appoint an Executive Officer and determine his salary and term of service, provided, however, that in the event it is found to be impracticable [*9] for the Commission to secure an appointee acceptable to the Chairman, the Government of the United States of America may provide an Executive Officer and such assistants as may be deemed necessary to ensure the effective operation of the program. The Executive Officer shall be responsible for the direction and supervision of the Commission's programs and activities in accordance with the Commission's resolutions and directives. In his absence or disability, the Commission may appoint a substitute for such time as it deems necessary or desirable.

Article 10

The decisions of the Commission in all matters may, in the discretion of the Secretary of State of the United States of America, be subject to his review.

Article 11

The Government of the Republic of Turkey shall, as and when requested by the Government of the United States of America for purposes of this agreement, deposit in a special account of the Treasurer of the United States of America in the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, amounts of currency of the Government of the Republic of Turkey up to an aggregate amount equivalent to $ 500,000 (United States currency), provided, however, that in no event shall a total amount [*10] of the currency of the Government of the Republic of Turkey, in excess of the equivalent of $ 250,000 (United States currency) be deposited during any single calendar year. The rate of exchange between currency of the Government of the Republic of Turkey and United States currency to be used in determining the amount of currency of the Government of the Republic of Turkey to be so deposited shall be that specified in Article 1, section 3 of the Credit Agreement.

The Secretary of State of the United States of America will make available for expenditure as authorized by the Commission currency of the Government of the Republic of Turkey in such amounts as may be required for the purposes of this agreement but in no event in excess of the budgetary limitation established pursuant to Article 3 of the present agreement.

Article 12

Wherever, in the present agreement, the term "Secretary of State of the United States of America" is used, it shall be understood to mean the Secretary of State of the United States of America or any officer or employee of the Government of the United States of America designated by him to act in his behalf.

Article 13

The present agreement may be amended by [*11] the exchange of diplomatic notes between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Turkey.

Article 14

This agreement shall be subject to ratification by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. It shall become effective on the day on which notice of such ratification is given to the Government of the United States of America. n1

-- Footnotes --

n1 Entered into force Mar. 21, 1950, the date on which the Turkish Embassy at Washington notified the Department of State of the ratification of the agreement by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.

-- End Footnotes --[*3]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto by their respective Governments, have signed the present agreement.DONE at ANKARA, in duplicate, in the English and Turkish languages, this 27th day of December, 1949.

Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Hukumeti ve Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Hukumeti;

Egitim sahasinda yapilacak temaslarla bilginin ve mesleki istidad sahiplerinin daha genis mikyasta mubadelesi suretile Amerika Birlesik Devletleri ve Turkiye [*12] Cumhuriyeti milletleri arasinda karsilikli anlasmayi daha ziyade inkisaf ettirmek arzusunda bulunduklarindan;

79-uncu Kongrece kabul edilen 584 sayili Kanun ile muaddel 1944 tarihli Birlesik Devletler Emval Fazlasina Muteallik Kanunun 32 (b) faslinin, Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Disisleri Bakaninin emval fazlasinin elden cikarilmasindan iktisap edilen herhangi bir ecnebi Hukumet parasi veya para kredilerinin bazi egitim faaliyetleri icin kullanilmasi zimninda mezkur Hukumetle bir anlasmaya girisebilecegini derpis eylemekte oldugunu mutalaa ederek; ve Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Hukumeti ile Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Hukumeti arasinda 27 Subat 1946 tarihinde Kahire'de imza olunan Anlasmanin (ki asagida "Kredi Anlasmasi" ismile anilmistir) Iinci fasli ahkami geregince Amerika Birlesik Devletlerinin herhangi bir sene zarfinda, herhangi bir tarihte, veya zaman zaman, tediye tarihinde hesap edilen faiz de dahil olmak uzere, Kredi Anlasmasinin ahkaminca verilen kredi geregince o taribte odenmesi matlup bakiye yekunun yarisina kadar herhangi bir meblagin veya meblaglarin resmi rayic uzerinden Turk Lirasi olarak tediyesini isteyebilecegi, ve bu suretle talep olunan Turk Lirasi meblaglarinin Turkiye [*13] Cumhuriyeti Merkez Bankasinda hususi bir hesaba yatirilarak, diger maksatlar meyaninda kultur, egitim ve insani gayeler icin kullanilabilecegi tasrih edilmis bulundugunu nazari itibara alarak,

Asagidaki hususlarda mutabik kalmislardir:

Madde 1

Turkiye'de Birlesik Devletler Egitim Komisyonu (ki asagida "Komisyon" ismile anilmistir) nami altinda bir Komisyon teskil olunacak ve bu Komisyon isbu Anlasmanin hukumleri dairesinde Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Hukumeti tarafindan temin edilen paralarla finanse edilecek olan egitim programinin idaresini kolaylastirmak icin ihdas ve tesis edilmis bir tesekkul olarak Amerika Birlesik Devletleri ve Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Hukumetleri tarafindan taninacaktir. Bu Anlasmanin 3uncu maddesinde derpis olunan hukum mustesna olmak uzere, Komisyon, isbu Anlasmada tesbit edilen gayeler icin tahsis edilen paralar ve para kredilerinin istimal ve sarfina muteallik hususlarda Amerika Birlesik Devletlerinin dahili ve mahalli Kanunlarindan muaf bulunacaktir. Bu paralar Turkiye Cumhuriyeti dahilinde yabanci bir Hukumete ait emval olarak telakki olunacaktir. Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Hukumeti tarafindan isbu Anlasma geregince temin edilen paralar, muaddel 1944 tarihli Birlesik Devletler [*14] Emval Fazlasina Muteallik Kanunun 32 (b) faslinda tasrih edildigi vechile, asagida tesbit edilen sartlar ve hadler dairesinde, zirdeki maksadlar icin, Komisyonun, veya Amerika Birlesik Devletleri ve Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Hukumetleri arasinda takarrur edecek herhangi diger bir tesekkulun emrine amade kilinacaktir:

(1) Turkiye'de kain okul ve yuksek ogretim muesseselerinde Amerika Birlesik Devletleri vatandaslari tarafindan veya bunlar namina yapilacak tahsil, arastirma, ogretim, ve sair egitim faaliyetlerini veya nefsi Birlesik Devletler, Hawaii, Alaska (Aleutian Adalari dahil), Puerto Rico ve Virgin Adalari haricinde kain Birlesik Devletler okul ve yuksek ogretim muesseselerinde Turkiye vatandaslarinin tahsil, arastirma, ogretim ve sair egitim faaliyetlerini, nakliye, tahsil ucreti, maiset ve ogretimle ilgili diger masraflarin tediyesi de dahil olmak uzere, finanse etmek, veya
(2) Nefsi Birlesik Devletler, Hawaii, Alaska (Aleutian Adalari dahil), Puerto Rico ve Virgin Adalarinda kain Birlesik Devletler okul ve yuksek ogretim muesseselerine devam etmek arzusunda bulunan Turkiye vatandaslarinin, bu muesseselere devamlari Amerika Birlesik Devletleri vatandaslarini bu kabil okul ve [*15] muesseselere devam imkanlarindan mahrum kilmamak sartiyle, seyahat imkanlarini temin etmek.

Madde 2

Komisyon, yukarida zikredilen gayelerin temini icin, isbu Anlasmanin 10-uncu maddesindeki hukumler dairesinde, bu Anlasma ile derpis edilen gayenin tahakkuku zimninda, asagida sayilanlar da dahil olmak uzere, luzumlu bilcumle selahiyetleri kullanabilir:

(1) Komisyon Veznedarini veya Komisyon tarafindan tensip edilecek diger bir sahsi, mezkur Veznedar veya diger sahis namina acilacak Banka hesaplarina yatirilmak uzere, para tesellumune mezun kilmak, Veznedarin veya bu suretle memur kilinan sahsin tayini Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Disisleri Bakani tarafindan tasvip edilecek ve tesellum edilen

paralar Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Disisleri Bakani tarafindan tesbit edilecek bir depoziter veya depoziterler nezdine yatirilacaktir.

(2) Isbu Anlasmada tesbit edilen sart ve kayitlar dahilinde, isbu Anlasma ile kabul edilen gayelerin tahakkuku icin, tediyat yapilmasina, para ba gislarinda bulunulmasina ve avans verilmesine Komisyon Veznedarini veya Komisyonca tensip edilecek diger bir sahsi selahiyettar kilmak.
(3) Muaddel 1944 tarihli Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Emval Fazlasina Muteallik [*16] Kanunun 32 (b) faslinda tasrih olunan gayeler ve isbu Anlasma ile tayin edilen maksatlar dairesinde programlar tanzim etmek, bunlari kabul ve tatbik etmek.
(4) Muaddel 1944 tarihli Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Emval Fazlasina Muteallik Kanunda tasrih olunan Ecnebilere Ait Burslar Heyetine yukarida zikredilen Kanun geregince programa istirak icin ehliyetli Turkiye'de mukim talebe, profesor, arastirma bilginleri ve Turkiye muesseselerini tavsiye etmek.
(5) Komisyonun maksat ve gayelerine erisilmesi icin programa istirak edeceklerin intihabinda riayet edilmesini luzumlu gorecegi evsaf ve serait hakkinda yukarida ismi gecen Ecnebilere Ait Burslar Heyetine tavsiyelerde bulunmak.

(6) Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Disisleri Bakani tarafindan secilecek murakiplarin tayin edecegi sekilde Komisyon Veznedarinin hesaplarinin muayyen devrelerde kontrolunu temin etmek.(7) İdare ve büro memurlarini tayin etmek, maas ve ucr etlerini tesbit ederek tesviyesine mezuniyet vermek.

Madde 3

Komisyonca tasvip edilen bilumum sarfiyat, Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Disisleri Bakaninin kabul edecegi senelik bir butce ve tesbit edebilecegi nizamname mucibince ifa olunacaktir.

Madde 4

Komisyon Veznedari, [*17] fiilen mevcut paralarin fevkinde olarak Komisyonu ilzam edecek hicbir teahhude girisemiyecegi veya bir mukellefiyet ihdas edemiyecegi gibi, isbu Anlasma ile tasvip edilen maksatlara matuf olanlar mustesna olmak uzere diger emval istira ve tasarruf edemez, veya elden cikaramaz.

Madde 5

Komisyon, dordu Amerika Birlesik Devletleri vatandasi ve dordu Turkiye Cumburiyeti vatandasi olmak uzere sekiz azadan mutesekkil bulunacaktir. Bunlara ilaveten Amerika Birlesik Devletlerinin Turkiye'deki diplomatik heyetinin basi (ki asagida "Misyon Sefi" ismile anilacaktir) Komisyonun fahri Baskani olacaktir. Misyon Sefi Komisyonda reylerin tesavisi halinde kat'i reyi verecek ve Komisyon Baskanini tayin edecektir. Baskan, Komisyonun fiili azasi sifatile rey hakkini haiz bulunacaktir. Misyon Sefi, en az ikisi Amerika Birlesik Devletlerinin Turkiye'deki Hariciye teskilatinin muvazzaf memurlarindan olmak uzere, Komisyondaki Birlesik Devletler vatandaslarini tayin ve tebdil etmek selahiyetini haiz olacaktir. Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Hukumeti Komisyondaki Turkiye vatandaslarini tayin ve tebdil selahiyetini haiz bulunacaktir.

Azalar, tayin edildikleri tarihten itibaren muteakip 31 Aralik tarihine kadar ifayi vazife [*18] edecekler ve tekrar tayin edilebileceklerdir. Istifa, ikamet mahallinin Turkiye haricine nakli, vazife muddetinin hitama ermesi sebeblerile veya sair suretle vukubulacak munhaller, bu madde ile tesbit edilen hukumler dairesinde doldurulacaktir. Azalar, ucretsiz olarak ifayi vazife edeceklerdir. Bununla beraber Komisyon, azalarin toplantilarda hazir bulunmalarina muktazi masraflarin odemege selahiyettardir.

Madde 6

Komisyon, islerinin tedviri icin luzum gorecegi nizamnameleri kabul ve icap eden Komiteleri tayin edecektir.

Madde 7

Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Disisleri Bakani tarafindan tayin edilecek sekilde Komisyonun faaliyeti hakkinda her sene bir rapor tanzim edilerek Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Disisleri Bakanina ve Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Hukumetine tevdi olunacaktir.

Madde 8

Komisyonun merkezi, Turkiye Cumhuriyetinin baskentinde bulunacaktir. Ancak Komisyonun veya Komitelerinden herhangi birinin toplantilari, Komisyonun icabi hale gore tesbit edecegi diger mahallerde akdedilebilecegi gibi Komisyon amir ve memurlarindan herhangi biri Komisyonca tensip edilecek mahallerde icrayi faaliyet edebilecektir.

Madde 9

Komisyon bir Mudur tayin ve onun maas ve hizmet muddetini tesbit edebilir. [*19] Ancak Komisyonun, Baskanca kabule sayan bir Mudur tayin etmegi imkansiz buldugu hallerde, Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Hukumeti, programin elverisli bir sekilde tatbikini mumkun kilmak icin, luzumlu gorulebilecek bir Mudur ile Muavinlerini temin edebilecektir. Mudur, Komisyon program ve faaliyetlerinin, Komisyonun kararlariyle talimati dairesinde, tedvir ve murakabesinden mesul olacaktir. Mudurun gaybubeti veya mazereti halinde Komisyon munasip veya muvafik gorecegi muddet icin yerine bir vekil tayin edebilir.

Madde 10

Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Disisleri Bakani, tensip ettigi takdirde, Komisyonun her husustaki kararlarini gozden gecirebilir.

Madde 11

Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Hukumeti, isbu Anlasmanin gayelerinin tahakkuku zimninda, Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Hukumetince talep vukubuldukca, umumi yekunu azami (Birlesik Devletler parasi) 500.000 dolara tekabul edecek meblaglari Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Hukumeti parasi olarak Turkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankasi nezdinde Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Hazine Muduru namina hususi bir hesaba yatiracaktir. Su kadar ki, munferid bir takvim senesi zarfinda yatirilacak Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Hukumeti parasinin yekunu (Birlesik Devletler parasi) 250.000 dolar [*20] mukabilini hicbir suretle tecavuz etmiyecektir. Bu sekilde yatirilacak olan Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Hukumeti parasi mikdarinin tesbiti icin tatbik olunacak olan Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Hukumeti parasi ile Birlesik Devletler parasi arasindaki rayic, Kredi Anlasmasinin 1-inci maddesinin 3-uncu faslinda tasrih edilen rayic olacaktir.

Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Disisleri Bakani bu Anlasmanin gayelerini temin icin iktiza edecek mebaligi Komisyonca tasvip edilen sekilde sarfedi lmek uzere Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Hukumeti parasi ile temin edecektir. Bununla beraber bu mebalig, isbu Anlasmanin 3-uncu maddesi mucibince tesbit olunan butce haddini hicbir suretle asmiyacaktir.

Madde 12

Isbu Anlasmanin her neresinde zikredilmis olursa olsun "Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Disisleri Bakani" tabirinden Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Disisleri Bakani veya kendisi tarafindan namina hareket etmek uzere tayin edilmis Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Hukumetine mensup herhangi amir veya memur oldugu anlasilacaktir.

Madde 13

Isbu Anlasma Turkiye Cumhuriyeti ve Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Hukumetleri arasinda diplomatik notalar teatisile tadil edilebilecektir.

Madde 14

Isbu Anlasma Turkiye Buyuk Millet Meclisinin tasdikine [*21] sunulacak ve tasdik edildigi Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Hukumetine teblig olurdugu gun yururluge girecektir.

ISBU HUSUSATI TASDIK ETMEK UZERE alakadar Hukumetler tarafindan usulu dairesinde selahiyettar kilinmis olan zirdeki imza sahipleri bu Anlasmayi imza etmislerdir.

Ankara'da 27 Aralik 1949 tarihinde ikiser nusha olarak, Turkce ve Ingilizce lisanlarinda tanzim kilinmistir.

The American Ambassador to the Secretary General, Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Ankara, December 27, 1949

No. 1866


I have the honor to refer to the agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Turkey, signed at Ankara today, for the use of funds made available in accordance with the agreement signed in Cairo on February 27, 1946, between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Turkey, and to confirm that the funds placed at the disposal of the Treasurer of the Commission in accordance with the above-mentioned agreement will be used exclusively in Turkish Liras and that no requests will be made to the Turkish Ministry of Finance for the conversion [*22] into foreign exchange of any part of the said funds.

Please accept, Excellency, the renewed assurance of my highest consideration.

The Secretary General, Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to the American Ambassador


Ankara, 27 Aralik 1949

No: 57231/212


Muhteviyati asagida dercedilmis olan bugunku tarihli notanizi aldigimi Ekselansiniza bildirmekle seref kesbeylerim:

"Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Hukumeti ile Turkiye Cumhuriyeti arasinda 27 Subat 1946 tarihinde Kahire'de imza edilen Anlasma geregince temin edilen paralarin kullanilmasina dair Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Hukumeti ile Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Hukumeti arasinda bugun Ankara'da imza edilen Anlasmaya atf ile seref kesbeyler ve yukarida ismi gecen Anlasma mucibince Komisyon Veznedarinin emrine tahsis edilen paralarin munhasiran Turk Lirasi olarak kullanilacagini ve mezkur paralarin her hangi bir kisminin yabanci dovize tahvili hususunda Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Maliye Bakanligindan her hangi bir talepte bulunulmiyacagini teyid ederim."

Mezkur nota muhteviyatini kaydeder ve yuksek saygalarimin kabulunu rica eylerim, Ekselans.



No. 57231/212

ANKARA, December 27, 1949


I have the honor to communicate to Your Excellency the receipt of your note of today's date, the text of which is inserted below:

"I have the honor to refer to the agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Turkey, signed at Ankara today, concerning the use of funds made available in accordance with the agreement signed in Cairo on February 27, 1946, between the Government of the United States of America and the Republic of Turkey and to confirm that the funds placed at the disposal of the Treasurer of the Commission in accordance with the above-mentioned agreement will be used exclusively in Turkish Liras and that no request will be made to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Turkey regarding the conversion into foreign exchange of any part of the said funds."

I have taken cognizance of the contents of the aforementioned note and beg Your Excellency to accept my highest consideration.

The Secretary General, Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to the American Ambassador


Ankara, 27 Aralik 1949

No: [*24] 57230/211


Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Hukumeti ile Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Hukumeti arasinda 27 Subat 1946 tarihinde Kahire'de imza edilen Anlasma geregince temin edilen paralarin kullanilmasina dair Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Hukumeti ile Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Hukumeti arasinda bugun Ankara'da imza edilen Anlasmaya atf ile seref kesbeyler ve bugunku tarihli Anlasma geregince kendilerine bagis yapilan kimselere vaki tediyelerin Turkiye'de elyevm mer'i veya ileride vazedilecek her nevi vergi mukellefiyetleri dolayisile kesintiye tabi tutulmamasi zimninda alakadar Turkiye makamlari tarafindan icab eden tedabirin alinacagini ve bu suretle bagis yapilan kimselerin mevdu vazifelerinin ifasi hususunda kendilerine tahsis edilen meblaglardan tam olarak istifade edeceklerini teyid ederim.

Yuksek saygilarimin kabulunu rica ederim, Ekselans.




No. 57230/211

ANKARA, December 27, 1949


I have the honor to refer to the agreement between the Government of the Republic of Turkey, and the Government of the United States of America, signed in Ankara today, concerning the use of funds made available in accordance [*25] with the agreement signed in Cairo on February 27, 1946, between the Government of the Republic of Turkey and the Government of the United States of America and to confirm that the necessary measures will be taken by the competent Turkish authorities to the end that payments made to grantees under the agreement of today's date will not be subject to deduction owing to tax obligations effective in Turkey at present or to be imposed in the future and that grantees will thus make full use of the funds allotted to them with respect to accomplishing their assigned tasks.

The American Ambassador to the Secretary General, Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs


No. 1867

Ankara, December 27, 1949.


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency's note of today's date, which reads as follows:

"I have the honor to refer to the agreement between the Government of the Republic of Turkey and the Government of the United States of America, signed at Ankara today, for the use of funds made available in accordance with the agreement signed in Cairo on February 27, 1946, between the Government of the Republic of Turkey and [*26] the Government of the United States of America and to confirm that the necessary arrangements will be made by the competent Turkish authorities to the end that payments made to grantees under the agreement of today's date will not be curtailed by Turkish taxation of any nature, present or future, and that grantees will thus enjoy the use of the full amount of the sums allotted to them in the accomplishment of their assigned tasks."I have taken due note of the contents of Your Excellency's communication.

Please accept, Excellency, the renewed assurance of my highest consideration.

Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Hukumeti namina:
Ekselans George Wadsworth,
Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Buyuk Elcisi Ankara
Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Hukumeti namina:

His Excellency
Ambassador of the United States of America Ankara

His Excellency
Secretary General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ankara.