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AçıklamaBoyhood and lawlessness. The neglected girl (1914) (14585138588).jpg
Text Appearing Before Image: he will soon be given achance of taking part in a six or eight-round bout atone of the smaller athletic clubs, and from that timeon he takes regular status as a prize fighter, and accord-ingly becomes a hero in his circle of youthful acquain-tances. There are many such small prize fighters inour district, none of them over twenty-one years ofage, and all earning just enough to make it possible tolead a life of indolence. If they can make ten or fifteendollars by appearing in a ring once a week, they arequite content. But boxing and street fighting by no means alwaysgo together on the Middle West Side. The real pro-fessional boxers of the neighborhood dissociate themin practice as well as in theory; they take their pro-fession for what it is—a game to»be played in a sports-manlike manner—and they are usually good-natured.One of the best known prize fighters of the city, wholives on the Middle West Side, states that it is yearssince he was mixed up in a fight of any kind. I box 34 Text Appearing After Image: Prize Fighters in Training
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