Yardım:Dizin sayfaları: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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kDeğişiklik özeti yok
183. satır:
; VolumesCilt
: Eserin içeriği birden fazla kitaba bölünmüşse her bir bölüme cilt adı verilir. Diğer ciltlerin bağlantısını bu satırda verebilirsiniz.
: If this is a multi-volume work, put links to the Index pages for the other volumes here. See [[Index:History of England (Froude) Vol 2.djvu]] for a simple example of this and [[Index:Popular Science Monthly Volume 5.djvu]] for a more complex example.
; İçindekiler
: İçindekiler tablosunu oluşturmak için iki yol vardır:
: A table of contents (ToC) for the text. Usually this will provide links to the chapters in the Main: namespace.
# Birincisi metni bu kutucuğa elinizle yazmak,
: The table of contents can be typed in here directly. However, if the text includes its own table of contents, this can be shown instead by "transcluding" the pages from the text (use the name of each page, wrapped in two curly brackets—or braces—at either side). See [[Index:Air Service Boys over the Rhine.djvu]] for an example of this. Hint: don't leave spaces or returns between the separate pages when using this. This will ensure vertical alignment between the separate pages.
# İkincisi ise dosyanın istinsah edilmiş bir içindekiler sayfası varsa bunu eklemek.
:İçindekiler Thetablosu tabledoğrudan ofburaya contents can be typed in here directlyyazılabilir. However, if the text includes its own table of contents, this can be shown instead by "transcluding" the pages from the text (use the name of each page, wrapped in two curly brackets—or braces—at either side). See [[Index:Air Service Boys over the Rhine.djvu]] for an example of this. Hint: don't leave spaces or returns between the separate pages when using this. This will ensure vertical alignment between the separate pages.
: If the table of contents is long, a scrolling window can be used, by placing <code><nowiki><div style="width: 95%; height: 700px; overflow: auto; border:thin grey solid; padding: 0px 5px 0px 20px;"></nowiki></code> before the ToC (and a <code><nowiki></div></nowiki></code> behind it).
: Sometimes the table of contents in the text is complex or contains a lot of detail resulting in a very long Index page. In these cases a simplified table of contents with links to the chapters may be created. Compare [[Index:History of england froude.djvu]] with [[Index:History of England (Froude) Vol 2.djvu]].