Yardım:Dizin sayfaları: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

İçerik silindi İçerik eklendi
Justinianus (Tartışma | katkılar)
12. satır:
== Dizin sayfası yaratmak ==
[[Dosya:Wikisource_Index_Page_editing.png|sağ|küçükresim|Index page with text fields.]]
Yüklenen dosya için bir dizin sayfası açılmalıdır. Yüklenen dosya DjVu veya PDF biçiminde olabilir. Yüklemeler için ilk önce Wikimedia Commons sonra da Vikikaynak tercih edilmelidir.
Prior to creating an index page, you must upload a scan. This scan can be in DjVu or PDF format. In most situations, the scan should be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons rather than Wikisource. However, Wikimedia Commons' policy has extra requirements beyond the purely legal; it may not always accept scans for some works, even though they are legally free (either public domain or licensed) and acceptable for Wikisource. In these situations only, the scan can be uploaded directly to Wikisource.
Prior to creating an index page, you must upload a scan. This scan can be in DjVu or PDF format. In most situations, the scan should be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons rather than Wikisource. However, Wikimedia Commons' policy has extra requirements beyond the purely legal; it may not always accept scans for some works, even though they are legally free (either public domain or licensed) and acceptable for Wikisource. In these situations only, the scan can be uploaded directly to Wikisource.
For creating an index page using individual images, please see below.